Hello Eveyone, looks like you have reached my very first website. My name is Bryce Masot and I will be using this webpage to show off my work and projects. As you scroll down you will find out more about me and my work!
As I said before this is my very first webpage that I have created, so you can expect this webpage to continue changing until I like how it looks. Theres still alot for me to do so ill be writing some more code so you can keep scrolling.
Jasmin's Portfolio
This is a description of Jasmin's portfolio that I worked on.
This is a description of G-Kuts website that I worked on.
Looks like you wanna know A little bit more about me, so my name is Bryce Masot and I was born on November 9th 2001 which makes me 21 years of age as im writing this. I lived in Hesperia Califonia until I turned 5 years old. When I was four years old I got my first dirtbike. Soon after I moved to Riverside California until I reached 8 years of age racing dirtbikes and gathering sponorships. Shortly after moving to Beaumont California I have sold my dirtbikes as it was getting to expensive for my father to handle.
Growing up with no dirtbikes led me to start playing video games on a pc and ive always wanted to learn how to code but didnt know what to code exactly. Got my first job at 16 working for a grocery store chain in my town. My daily routine consisted of grade school, work, and videos games, basically an average teenager's day. Being on a computer all day I got pretty good with "hacking" and being tech savy you can say. Years go by and not a lot has changed until i turned about 20 years old and I got a new job working for my grocery stores warehouse. I quickly relized that im not a very good physically labor working which I laugh at, so now im learning how to code and specificly full stack web developement.